...tHe buTterfLies inSide my miNd... ...random thoughts inside my head...


Thursday, November 13, 2008


Toothache, toothache toothache!!! I think it's the world's number one common problem. Sometimes, aspirin just aint the best solution (well, besides removing it).

My girl has experienced this kind of pain on the morning of Monday, November 9. When i looked at her tooth, it has this big hole. I tried giving her pain relievers but that didnt help.

After days, the pain was gone but i still want to know what could be the best remedy for this kind of pain. So this night, november 13, i searched the web for simple remedies for this kind of pain.

After googling on the web, i found some simple remedies for this kind of pain. These are some of them:

1. Putting plain salt directly and around the tooth. It will sting a little but the pain will subside later.
2. Peeling a clove of garlic then chop/mince it and then place it around or in/on the tooth that is aching.
3. By Acupressure. Appying firm pressure and massaging both the bottoms of the index fingers just below the nails relieves the pain...

There are so many remedies for this kind of treatment but these are the easiest way i saw. I'll tell my girl first thing in the morning what i discovered.

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