...tHe buTterfLies inSide my miNd... ...random thoughts inside my head...


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Learn to encrypt your messages!!! (Al Bhed and English)

Wanna learn something new from uncle Sam?(Ya!! Sure!!) Ok!!!

Let me tell you a little bit something about "decoding". Decoding, for innocents, is a
process of changing certain characters of messages to hide or conceal the real meaning
it tells.

OK!! So we know what 'decoding' is, now let's try it!! For this tutorial, ill teach and show you
how to translate "english" to the Final Fantasy's Famous "Al-Bhed" Language. Knowing
this would be so cool!! Let's get started!...

First is we need the translation reference:

EnGLISH TO AL-BHED:  A = Y, B = P, C = L, D = T, E = A, F = V, G = K, H = R,
I = E, J = Z, K = G, L = M, I = E, J = Z, K = G, L = M, M = S, N = H, O = U, P = B, Q = X,
R = N, S = C, T = D, U = I, V = J, W = F, X = Q, Y = O, Z = W

A = E, B = P, C = S, D = T, E = I, F = W, G = K, H = N, I = U, J = V, K = G, L = C, M = L,
N = R, O = Y, P = B, Q = X, R = H, S = M ,T = D, U = O, V = F, W = Z, X = Q,
Y = A, Z = J
Now we have the translation reference, we can start now! For Example, if you want to say "I love You"
but you dont know any of your friends to know, try to change the letters to al-bhed.
(english) I Love You
(Al-bhed) E Muja Oui

Isnt that easy?!? Its fun when you get the hang of it. Oh, and by the way, the picture there is the
symbols of al-bhed letters (from left to right, a-z).

Have Fun!!

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