...tHe buTterfLies inSide my miNd... ...random thoughts inside my head...


Friday, March 19, 2010

Time of Change

This 3rd week of march, everything was a disaster. Enemies coming out of every corner, complaints rising every minute, unnecessary words coming out of everybody's mouth... This was a hard week for all of us..

It all started from a little trip to Laguna, which occurred on the 5th day of March. Everything was good and everything was in order, until sudden changes took place.

Everything was a blur, especially on our part. Decisions were made instantly and agreement was sudden, leading to misunderstandings that led to a disastrous battle.

Weeks passed, and everything seemed normal.. again... Until a meeting took place, merging groups of our class from 4 to 1, which is a good thing. The other group welcomed us and we agreed to comply to whatever their conditions will be.

From that moment, we started to build up hope and trust to our former colleagues (classmates). We would like to finish this year with victory and enthusiasm in our hearts. But still, problems were inevitable...

When the prices were laid down, we were shocked (honestly). We really didn't know how was it possible to have such a price when a project is almost complete. Curiosity took place but still, we haven't got the chance to talk to them.

After some time, issues started to emerge, and well, as expected misunderstandings also came up. There has been numerous posts and comments in a social site about almost all of us (our group), and everybody was furious. Tension started to build up and fear took place in others-particularly inside me.

Fear of the cancellation of the project, fear of an upcoming battle, fear of disappointment. This was my fears at that time. If our class adviser were to know about this, disappointment to the entire class will take place, and personally i want to avoid that.


Finally!!!!, it came. Misunderstanding came to a halt and tension that started to cloud us slowly faded away. Everybody makes mistakes because everybody is a human. Everyone forgives and everybody can be forgiven. It was really a BIG misunderstanding that led us to this, and fortunately ended it.

The Time of Change is coming and it is inevitable. We all just have to prepare ourselves and be as ONE. WE could get through this guys-all of 4th year.

And for the S.A group, thanks for hearing us out. ^^,

Kaya natin to! Aja! hehhe...

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