...tHe buTterfLies inSide my miNd... ...random thoughts inside my head...


Sunday, May 23, 2010


Life comes in different shapes, color, sizes and faces. Ever since the world began, people all over the world experienced tremendous suffering and also extreme happiness. Some are born with good life while others are not. Some survive, while others give up...

I had my own experiences of suffering and happiness throughout my growing years. I had experienced pain, near-death experiences and loss. I also had my fair share of friendship and love. Everything that happens to us has its own reasons. All we have to do is to see and understand them.

Almost everybody has gone through their own losses. From families and friends, grief will surely envelop every soul that it encounters and cloud their mind of judgement. Few have managed to look beyond that cloud and have started to "reconcile" or "let go".

A few years back, I have met a girl student in our university. As months passed, we became friends. As the barriers between us were broken, she had opened up some things that made me envy her and at the same time, pity her.

She is a great lady - A very hardworking student, lovable child, true friend. From the day she was born, she has been the subject of argument of her parents. Her father thinks that she is not his child. This lasted until his father died when she was eight. Her mother worked hard for their survival and because of that, she had managed to enter a university and continue her studies. Just days before the first day of class, her mother broke down and died because of cancer.

Tears fell from my eyes as I listened to her story, but also am confused because of the sudden brightness in her eyes instead of grief.I asked her how could she smile with that pain in her heart. Her answer changed my perspective in the world, and also my life.

"I did grieve for my mom, and also my dad. I loved both of them, and even my father. Because of them, I am here. I could blame myself for all of this but I just try to look into the reasons why this had happened. When my dad died, I was pushed to survive with my mom. Eventually, we became close, much closer than the previous years when my dad died. Because of him, I understood my mom and we became close friends. And for this, I thank him."

"I watched my mom suffer tremendous stress and pain by being a laundrywoman in our little barangay. Everyday she wakes up 4am to collect and deliver clothes in different houses just to fund my tuition. My mom died because of cancer. She told me that in the last week of her life so that I will be ready. I blamed myself for her sickness and had tried to end my suffering as well but I had realized something. My mom had gotten her sickness because of my tuition for my college. She worked hard for many years just so that I could eat 3 times a day. If I end it at that moment, all that I could give my mom is disappointment and more suffering. All she did was for nothing and I dont want that. After some time of praying and understanding things, I had managed to let it go. You see, everything happens for a reason, if you just look at it at the right place."

A sudden weight inside my soul have been lifted up. All my life I have blamed others, as well as myself for mistakes that is happening in my life. I have never realized the cloud that has blocked myself from doing better decisions. Thanks to her, I understood the reasons, as well as my purpose.

Life is not that cruel to us. Sometimes we may be on the top and sometimes we are down. We may not realize the things that are happening to us right now but always think of this:

"Everything happens for a good reason. If we just look beyond those clouds that cover our hearts, we might find the right answer that could enlighten us, and eventually, bring us up again."


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