...tHe buTterfLies inSide my miNd... ...random thoughts inside my head...


Monday, April 19, 2010

...scariest dream i ever had...

Last night i had one of the MOST frightful dreams in my entire life..

Ok, .. this is what happened...

I slept tired at around 2 am. A single dim light lits up our entire room. I prepared my bed and started to close my eyes and sleep. I ALWAYS have a hard time positioning myself to a comfortable position. So what i did is i positioned myself at my side and covered my head with my pillow. And then it started...


I woke up in our same room, only darker. There were no lights on, and i could hear something very weird... As i listened very carefully, i knew the sound was coming from my little brother. I thought he is just snoring or something... I listened more carefully and noticed that the sound is like a choking sound. I panicked, BUT i CANT move my body. I want to help my little brother, i worried so much... until i woke up...


I woke up again in the same room, again there were no lights on. This time, the sound is gone. But a sudden emptiness filled my body. So i forced myself to get up from bed. At first it was ok but as seconds pass by, i felt my breathing go heavier and heavier. I Panicked. I ran to the other room only to find out that i am ALONE in our house. My brother, my sister, my parents... They were all GONE... Fear started to build up in my chest.. and again. i woke up...


i woke up again in the same dark room. This time, i know i was dreaming and i know that i am ALONE in my dream. I tried to punch myself and pinch myself just to wake myself up, but to no avail... The air got thicker in every second that passes and i was panicking...

I woke up several times in the same dream but i still cant get myself to wake up. Then, as i was about to give in and give up, i remembered that i slept with the pillow COVERING my head. So I thought that maybe I was being suffocated...

I tried to remove the Invisible pillow covering my head just to lighten up the air that i am breathing. After a few waking-inside-the-dream again, I managed to lift up "something" heavy atop my head. At that same moment, i again woke up...


This time, the air is thinner, but the room is still dark and i am still alone. Desperation enveloped me. I started to scream for my dad. It lasted for a few hours and a few waking-up again until...


I woke up... Same room.. but this time, i can see the light... The lamp shade that lit our little room is shining brightly. The pillow that covers my head is still there, and my family is back in their beds...

I tried to stay awake for a few minutes. I still cant shake the feeling that the dreams may happen again. But after some time, i slept...

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