...tHe buTterfLies inSide my miNd... ...random thoughts inside my head...


Saturday, November 15, 2008

old poems recovered!!

After searching and scanning old archives and papers and files, i finally found it. Some old poems I made in the first year of my class in college. Unfortunately, I only managed to recover three of them from my old blogs.

Hopeless Angel

I’m standing on an edge of time,

Waiting for the one I really love

But yet, time never shone light on me

Since the day you said, I’ve got somebody loving me

Since the day we’ve been torn apart

And moved on our separate ways

I still can’t forget the times that you call

And silently say that you miss me after all.

Remember the times that we laughed on the phone

And the times that we had when you’re all alone

All is lost and became only memories

Memories that I have been keeping all of these years

Now I see you smile with another guy

And watch you both as you happily walked by

I guess this was the way were supposed to have

Living with somebody that we do really love

…how I wished that were still together

Living a life that’s full of surprise

But all that I can do now is to wait…

Waiting for you to be with me in my special place…

The Smile

Joy and laughter fills my heart,

Every time we walk on this ancient path

Every smile you offer to my eyes

Fills my soul with endless cries

Way back before you’ve been killed and hurt

With struck of lies, pushed you to dirt

Now somebody new comes in and takes place

To your dear heart I cherish, don’t know what to say.

Time by time, I notice you missing the new guy

So I slowly walked by and silently said hi

But the smile that you have been showing me before

Was all gone now, can’t find anything anymore.

You badly miss the guy,

Even told me that it’s just a lie

But my eyes never failed to see

The truth that was hiding in front of me

Hopelessness filled my entire soul

Even gave up, never stood anymore

When the day came that you finally told me

You love the guy, and you are really happy.

Days and months passed by,

I still see you now with the one you love

I guess I never meant anything in this world anymore

Can’t protect you now, just like before

I quietly walked in the silent hallway,

And gently entered my room, your picture in display

I pulled out a stool to set up something in my room

I had to end this pain, or it would be my doom

Stiff as a rock, the rope hanged by

And little by little decided to die

I closed my eyes and gently jumped

And as I hold your picture, light shone out

As darkness filled my entire soul,

I gently saw you in my mind’s door

You’re safe now with somebody you trust

Will never hurt you, push you again to dust

As I feebly walked in the valleys of despair

I can’t help but to cry, wish I’m still there

I thought that this was the way to finally end

My sorrows of you, but now I’m finally dead

Here in the valley, I only see men and women

People who had the same sorrows of mine

They’re all naked, colored black and red

They all looked at me, so I pretended my eye’s dead

At the end of the valley, a tunnel is formed

I want to get out, so I rapidly walked on

Inside I noticed there was no piece of light

I suddenly broke down, crying in fright

But frustration and sorrows came to an end

When I saw something new at the valley’s end

A blurred picture of somebody, I know I really love

I noticed that it was you, giving light on my darkest path

I stood firmly and strong on the tunnel of fright

And gradually walked on, just to hug you tight

As I slowly moved and held your hand,

You pulled me out of the tunnel, led me to land

I gently opened my eyes and got surprised

Seeing you hold my hand beside my bed of white

Smiling and laughing, you looked at me,

Then gently saying that “I’m so sorry”

I smiled, telling you that it’s ok

Even though the pain I feel still doesn’t go away

I want to kiss you, to hug you very tight,

But I know I can’t do it, because it’s just not right

I know that you got somebody loving you now,

But I really want you to know, and I want to cry it out

All the things that I have been keeping for you

“I really love you although you got somebody new”

I guess this is just a part of my life

A challenge maybe, or a curse that’s not right

Maybe, were never meant to be together

Destined to live apart from each other…

Dreamer’s Dreams

It all started, we were just best of friends

Never intended to be more than that

Little by little started to get to know each other

And day by day falling with you much deeper.

Everyday, every time I look at her pictures,

Wishing she’s here, sleeping by my side

Never thought that wishes do come true,

When you came to say, I love you.

As the light fades out, one thing came to my mind.

The pictures of you, then I slowly went blind.

The next day when dawn finally came,

I realized that this was all part of a game

Destiny never really made us to be

Only played my mind for me to be happy

One solution came to my mind

Just For my paradise to be finally made mine

Atop of a building I gaily stood

Waiting for dawn to take my hood

And as light showed darkness to light

There is was, laughing in flight

Maybe there in my own special place

Dreams do come true, puts a smile on my face

There ill see you, smiling at me

And finally light will set my soul free…

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